
Our competitive edge lies in innovative shipment solutions. Traditionally, shipping a parcel from the Netherlands to Germany involved multiple steps: printing a label, local collection, depot sorting, relabeling for the destination carrier, international depot handling, sorting in destination and finally, local delivery.

With our innovative approach, you can now streamline this process significantly. Simply print a label from the local carrier in Germany. We collect the parcel, inject it directly into the local carrier's network in Germany the same day, enabling next-day delivery at a competitive local rate. We offer the same efficient service for all main e-commerce markets in Europe and UK, enabling international growth without the need of multiple warehouses.

1.- Daily pick up at your location

2.- Injection at international carrier depots

3.- Last mile delivery by local carriers

4.- All returns managed by our local return hubs

Carrier selection

Together we define your international shipping strategy tailored to your unique business profile. Our expertise in carrier selection ensures that you always have the most relevant carriers available per market.

With multiple carriers available in each market, we offer the flexibility to quickly adapt to changing conditions such as strikes or peak surcharges. This dynamic approach ensures that your shipments are always delivered efficiently and most cost-effective, keeping your business running smoothly no matter what challenges arise